
Easing Pain and Anxiety for Kids Living with Chronic Illness

For kids living with chronic illness, they often experience pain daily. Visiting the hospital for appointments or in-patient stays can frequently make them anxious.  

By providing positive distractions and opportunities to bond with others, Starlight programs can help hospitalized kids like Henry can better manage pain and ease anxiety.

Meet Henry

Nine-year-old Henry lives with epilepsy. He routinely visits Hasbro Children's Hospital in Providence, Rhode Island for bloodwork, follow-ups for EEGs, and trips to visit his neurologist. 

Starlight programs have been a constant companion for Henry throughout his hospitalizations to reduce his pain, keep him motivated and calm, and make him feel less anxious. 

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Last month, Henry got to select a Starlight Hospital Gown as part of his pre-operation plan. “[The] Chewie [Starlight gown] was the winner ... [during surgery] he really enjoyed his Chewie gown,” says Micaela, Henry’s mom. 

When kids get to select a colorful Starlight Hospital Gown designed with familiar characters, it provides opportunities for self-expression. Children feel a sense of control when they can make choices in an environment where many choices are taken away. 

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During blood draws, the Starlight Virtual Reality Headset, gives Henry a positive distraction. Rather than feeling anxious at the anticipation of a poke, kids can pretend they are gorillas swinging from vines or an aquatic animal exploring the deep ocean. 

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Henry’s mom shares, “The Starlight game system was a huge hit for Henry on his admission last year.” While playing on the Starlight Gaming Station, Henry enjoyed one of the benefits of gaming – bonding and connecting with others in the hospital setting as they play soccer video games together. By engaging in a familiar activity, stress is reduced by normalizing the environment and providing structure.  

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Starlight programs are comforting for Henry at every step of his hospital journey. Starlight programs exist to make the hospital an easier place to be and aid kids’ emotional and mental wellbeing throughout treatments. 

There are hundreds of children like Henry who live with a chronic illness and need resources like Starlight programs to manage pain and anxiety. Starlight's holistic range of programs are carefully crafted to meet children’s unique needs in the hospital and even at home.

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July is chronic illness month, and you can transform hospitalization into a positive experience for more children like Henry. 

Donate to Starlight today.

Help seriously ill kids manage constant pain
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